Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kofi Daeshaun's Ghetto World is sizzling with fact and melodies.

The new single and video from Kofi Daeshaun's internet series as a teaser to his long awaited but unsigned album- "Grim Tales"- keeps getting more tricky and full of surprises. " I can sing even better than i rap and i even write better". He goes on to say: "My focus is to be approached as a musician and not a talent-ridden rapper".  His repertoire includes unreleased rock and reggae songs and international musical cocktails. I listened to the album and it is confusingly full of surprises and multi-genre hit songs. It might be the next album akin to the Fugees crossover offering: "The Score". The only mystery being the songs are all written and fully produced by Kofi Daeshaun. He also features nobody on all songs. He said: " I dont believe in featuring people i do not know. They are distractions and obviously do not see the world from my viewpoint".  His beat master Bernard Quartey is cut from an old cloth. A classically trained pianist, Bernard Quartey understand the ins and outs of modern beat making. As Daeshaun states, "this album is too good to be released as an indie offering. I am patient and will wait for the right offer". Let's see the next chapter in this saga. Time always reveals.

Well enjoy his new song " Ghetto World"